Monday, February 5, 2007


Dear Journal,

I'm quite confused. Over the past several days, I've tried to find Spider-Man or Maria Lopez, only to find that no newscaster named Lopez has never existed and Spider-Man is on the East Coast. Not only that, but it turns out that he was the husband of Mary Jane Parker, the starlet. Except now it seems she has not recently been a starlet. In any case, trouble reared its ugly head as I drove through the streets of Los Angeles. I noticed a robbery taking place, and of course, set about trying to stop it when a man in armor came up to me and demanded my name and registration. I told him my driver's license was in my glove compartment, and he replied in a manner most rude. Apparently, wherever I am now has instituted a "superhero registration act". He tried to apprehend me, but I managed to get back to my Buick and drive off.

My poor, poor Buick. Within moments, other costumed types were upon me, demanding I pull over. I was quite startled, and did not notice that I was quickly coming up on the Marina. Both my Buick and I went over the edge, and then there was darkness. I woke up mere hours ago, and I was quite surprised to see Maria Lopez herself looking down upon me. At first I was dazed and sure I was dead, and somehow gone to Hell, but I think something sinister happened when I plowed through that alien spaceship all those days ago. Miss Lopez was kind enough to loan me the use of her computer, but now I am faced with a mystery of epic proportions: where am I, and how do I get back? More so, my uniform and vehicle were destroyed. Could this be the end of Land Captain?

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